Website Design & Support

As the place people land to find out more about you and your business, your website should accurately represent you and your offers. Does yours?

Let's talk about

Your Website!

Does your website do it’s job? Does it look and sound and feel like you? No?

It’s the answer I hear most often when talking to passionate entrepreneurs!

You have amazing things to offer the world, but trying to communicate them via your website makes your brain explode.

Let me help!

Whether you’re totally starting from scratch and don’t even own a domain (that’s your web address), or if you’d like a redesign of something you’ve already started, I’ve got your back.

Website Services

Power Day

Empower yourself with a focused 4-hour Website Power Day, tailor-made for neurodivergent entrepreneurs. As we build your 4-page website together, you'll experience the joy of bringing your vision to life with the support of a seasoned expert.

Bespoke Website Design

Unlock the potential of your business with our Bespoke Website Design service. We craft a one-of-a-kind website that perfectly aligns with your unique vision and business needs.  Experience the power of a website that's as distinctive as your business.

Ongoing Website Support

You have a website - Yay!!!

BUT - you've realised you don't have time to make your blog post look fancy each week, or upload your latest podcast episode and WHAT is that thing flashing at me telling me it needs an update?!


I use WordPress, along with a plugin called Elementor, plus a touch of my own personal magic to create beautiful, bespoke websites.

Absolutely! I have a partnership with Scattershot Creative who provides hosting and web domain management. You do not have to be set up with Scattershot Creative in order to use my services, and I can provide guidance and advice on alternative hosting providers.

Perfect! I love being given a framework of what feels like you, and what you want from your website. It can be tough to communicate those thoughts sometimes! You can send me links to websites you love the feel of, that have features you like, and we also work together on screen (whether on a Power Day, or a more bespoke option) so you can point and ramble and we can pull those ideas out of your awesome brain!

Absolutely! If you already have a website, and you like it enough that you don’t want to burn it to the ground, let’s do a rework! Grab a call and let’s see what we’re working with!

Once I’ve designed your website, you’ll have recorded how-to’s of how to do everything you need, as well as reminders of when your hosting and domains renew.

If you’d like ongoing support, I can provide a monthly support service starting at £60 including monthly back ups of your website, and ensuring all plugins are kept up to date.

There isn’t a simple answer for this one! If you book a Website Power Day, you’ll have your website done in a day. 

However, if you’re looking for something more bespoke, the length of time it takes completely depends on the complexity of the design, number of website pages, and functionality (directories, online shops etc)

Client Testimonials

Lexi was recommended to me as I started to develop my website, lead generation and social content. By asking questions, they were able to make recommendations for what I needed and then empowered me through simple video/live training to take on aspects myself. I have found Lexi responsive to what I need, and always thinking about how we could be doing things in a more efficient way.
Sarah Tite
Sarah Tite Coaching Ltd
Lexi takes the scramble that is your brain and any fear or hesitation that you have re your tech, website and systems and uses their alchemy to create things of beauty. Your shoulders relax, and you proudly present your offerings to the world.
Mars Lord
Founder - Abuela Doulas

Ready to say goodbye to website overwhelm?

Book a meeting to see how we can support your business today.