online strategist and systems expert for neurodivergent entrepreneurs

Essential Information to transfer your Domain and/or Hosting Successfully

Please complete the form below to ensure we have the information we need to successfully transfer your domain and/or hosting

Your Basic Information

Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
We will usually contact you via email unless otherwise arranged. However it is useful to have a contact number if required.

Your Domain & Hosting Details

Please tick which services you are wishing to transfer(Required)
Please ensure you have checked for spelling errors as the data entered here will be used for the transfer
Some examples are SiteGround, FastHosts, GoDaddy etc.

Email Addresses & Access

Do you currently have any domain based email addresses?
This means your email address ends rather than etc.
How do you access these emails?
Where do you login or what software do you use to access this email inbox and send emails.

Urgency Requirements

Do you have an upcoming date when your transfer needs to be done by?(Required)
We cannot promise to meet this deadline, depending on how much notice we are provided with.
(Even if this isn't soon!)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Ⓒ 2024 Digital Hero Co

Designed & Created by Digital Hero Co

Empowering Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship